A Place to Engage with and Learn from Health Leaders and Researchers Around the World | 7th Annual Africa Interdisciplinary Health Conference | August 21-23, 2024 | Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa

Call for Abstract Submissions:

The AfIHC Planning Committee in collaboration with University of the Witwatersrand welcomes your abstract submissions for oral, poster and panel presentations. Click here for details.

All abstracts should be submitted online 

Important Dates:

  • Abstract submission due: March 31, 2024 at 11:59 GMT 
  • Abstract notifications: April 30, 2024
  • Late-breaker abstract submission opens on May 1 and close on May 14
  • Conference date: August 21 – 23, 2024

We know that the future is still uncertain, and we want to assure you that by submitting an abstract for AfIHC 2024, you will be allowed to opt out if your abstract is accepted but your plan changes before the conference.


We are excited to announce that the following award categories have been established to recognize individuals’ scholarly efforts:

  • Best Abstract Award
  • Best Oral Presentation Award
  • Best Poster Award
  • Best Policy Relevance Award
  • Best Practice Relevance Award
  • Best Interdisciplinary Focused Award

Student awards are:

  • Professor Janet Gross Award for Best Student Abstract
  • Professor Janet Gross Award for Best Student Oral Presentation Award
  • Professor Janet Gross Award for Best Student Poster Award

Presentation Requirements:

  • Participants are responsible for registration, travel, meals, and hotel costs.
  • Where hopeful presenters have submitted multiple abstracts, the scientific committee will make best efforts to ensure that presenters are not invited to present more than two abstracts.
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English and submitted here
  • Any presenter who is unable to attend can arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question.
  • Abstracts not exceeding 300 words for oral and poster presentation and 300 words for panel presentation must be submitted online here
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes permission for the conference organizers to publish it in either printed or electronic format for conference promotional purposes.
  • Panel presentations must span an entire session and not exceed 60 minutes. Panel proposals must include session title, description, participants, format, audio-visual equipment needs. Proposal descriptions must clearly state objectives of the presentation and demonstrate relevance to one of the sub-themes of the conference.
  • All abstracts submitted will be considered eligible for one type of presentation: oral, poster or panel. The decision of the Abstract Review Committee regarding acceptance and presentation of abstracts is final.
  • Abstracts or proposals that do not meet the required format will not be considered.
  • Kindly indicate whether your abstract submission is for a virtual presentation only.

Conference Theme:

Healthcare in Africa: Collaboration, Innovation and Sustainability.

1. Medical devices, circular economy, and environmentally sustainable healthcare practices in Africa and globally*
2. Technology and innovations including telemedicine and telehealth
3. Progress on achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs)
4. Sexual and reproductive health including HIV and AIDS
5. Burden of chronic diseases
6. Climate change and health
7. Cultural competence and community engagement in healthcare delivery
8. Impact of food insecurity and water insecurity on health
9. The role of social sciences in strengthening Africa’s healthcare system
10. Mental health
11. Education and training for healthcare professionals
12. Response strategies to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases
13. Gender-based violence and health implications
14. Healthcare policy and financing

*Special conference track

Presentation Preference: (Oral, Poster, Panel or Pre-conference workshop)

Title (Limit to 15 words)

Consider including the following information in the abstract, when relevant (300 word limit):

  • Background/Introduction:
  • Purpose:
  • Methods:
  • Results:
  • Conclusions:

Submission Options

Oral Presentations
Oral presentations provide authors the opportunity to present original work related to any of the conference sub-themes. Oral presentations will have 15-minute time slots and 5 minutes for questions from the audience. Submit abstract at this link

Poster Presentations
Our poster session provides an interactive forum for authors to discuss their original work related to any of the conference sub-themes. Submissions should represent original empirical research, theoretical development, or reviews. 

Panel Presentations
Panel presentations provide authors the option to organize a panel comprising multiple (but related) presentations. Each panel presentation session will be 60 minutes long, with 50 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. A panel proposal should include an abstract summarizing the overall theme of the presentation. Panel presentations that bring together experts for interactive discussions should outline questions that will be addressed by the panel.

Click here for details.